Durham County
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Frequently Asked Questions
Appeal Representation
For property owned by individuals, appeals to the Board of Equalization and Review may be filed by (1) the owner, (2) an attorney licensed to practice law in North Carolina, or (3) a Power of Attorney.
For property owned by individuals, owners may only be represented at the Board of Equalization Review hearings by (1) the owner, or (2) an attorney licensed to practice law in North Carolina.
For property owned by individuals, a Power of Attorney may (1) file the appeal to the Board of Equalization and Review, (2) represent the owner in appeal discussions with the Tax Office, and (3) may appear at the Board of Equalization and Review hearing as an expert witness called by the taxpayer or taxpayer’s attorney. A Power of Attorney may not represent the property owner before the Board.
For property owned by a business entity, appeals to the Board of Equalization and Review may only be filed by (1) an attorney licensed to practice law in North Carolina, (2) an officer of the business entity, (3) a manager or member-manager if the business entity is a limited liability company, (4) an authorized employee of the business entity whose income is reported on IRS Form W-2, or (5) an authorized owner of the business entity, if the owner's interest in the business entity is at least twenty-five percent (25%). For all options above except (1), a Non-Attorney Representative Authorization must be filed with the Board.
For property owned by a business entity, the owner may only be represented at the Board of Equalization and Review hearings by (1) an attorney licensed to practice law in North Carolina, (2) an officer of the business entity, (3) a manager or member-manager if the business entity is a limited liability company, (4) an authorized employee of the business entity whose income is reported on IRS Form W-2, or (5) an authorized owner of the business entity, if the owner's interest in the business entity is at least twenty-five percent (25%). For all options above except (1), a Non-Attorney Representative Authorization must be filed with the Board.
For property owned by a business entity, a Power of Attorney may (1) represent the owner in appeal discussions with the Tax Office, and (2) may appear at the Board of Equalization and Review hearing as an expert witness called by the taxpayer’s attorney or taxpayer’s authorized non-attorney representative listed above. A Power of Attorney may not file the appeal and may not represent the property owner before the Board.
A sample Power of Attorney (POA) suitable for Durham County property tax matters only is located here: http://www.dconc.gov/home/showdocument?id=27297
A business entity is a corporation, a general partnership, a limited partnership, or a limited liability company.
09. Is the Board of Equalization and Review a quasi-judicial body? How does that affect the appeals process?
The Durham County Board of Equalization and Review is a quasi-judicial body. Filing appeals or petitions to the Board and representation of the owner before the Board may be considered the practice of law per North Carolina General Statute 84-2.1.
10. Why are there restrictions on Powers of Attorney for filing appeals to the Board of Equalization and Review and for representing the taxpayer before the Board?
Since the Board of Equalization and Review is a quasi-judicial body, certain actions such as filing appeals or petitions to the Board and representation of the owner before the Board may be considered the practice of law. Therefore, the Board does not allow Powers of Attorney to file appeals for business entities or to represent any owner before the Board. A Power of Attorney may (1) represent the owner in appeal discussions with the Tax Office, and (2) may appear at the Board of Equalization and Review hearing as an expert witness called by the taxpayer’s attorney or taxpayer’s authorized non-attorney representative, as neither of these actions would likely be considered the practice of law.
Since the Board of Equalization and Review is a quasi-judicial body, certain actions such as filing appeals or petitions to the Board and representation of the owner before the Board may be considered the practice of law. Therefore, the Board does not allow Powers of Attorney to file appeals for business entities, especially since the General Assembly has specifically provided for Non-Attorney Representatives who can file appeals for business entities, per North Carolina General Statute 105-290(d2). Since no similar category has been created for individual owners, and since the filing of an appeal for an individual may or may not rise to the level of practice of law, the Board allows the filing of an appeal for an individual taxpayer. However, it is the position of the Board that representation of the owner, whether individual or business entity, before the Board will not be allowed due to the likelihood that such representation rises to the level of practice of law.
Billing and Collections
Durham County does not require a Schedule B License to conduct business, however you may be required to obtain one from the City of Durham License Division. Durham County does require you to obtain a beer and wine license if it pertains to your business. You may also want to check with the City/County Planning (919 560 4137) office to ensure you meet zoning requirements for the type of business that you are operating. City of Durham License Division can be reached at (919) 560-4700.
- You will need to contact our bankruptcy representative at 919-560-0300.
- Payment plans can be made for REAL Property tax bills only, however this must be done prior to the bill becoming delinquent. Therefore, you can make payments without any formal payment agreement up until January 5th of each year. We recommend that you use our website that allows you to schedule payments to us on the 15th and 30th of each month.
- Any taxes that were due at the time you filed bankruptcy are included in your plan (pre-petition). We can only make payment arrangements on current tax bills (post-petition). To make payment arrangements please contact our office at 919-560-0300.
- Yes, you may pay your tax bill by credit card or debit card on our website or in person at the tax office. There is a processing fee for this service. If you pay in our office, staff is required to ask for another form of identification. You may also pay by electronic check online or by phone. There is no processing fee for paying by electronic check.
- No, but once your bankruptcy is completed or dismissed, all real property taxes must be paid in full to avoid further collection measures.
- No, the option to sell tax liens was abolished by the legislature in 1983.
- You can view your tax bill or contact our office at 919-560-0300
- Change of address forms can be found on our website http://www.dconc.gov/county-departments/departments-f-z/tax-administration/forms-and-publications. Please complete and return to our office at PO Box 3397, Durham, NC 27702
- Motor vehicles is 5% interest the first month and 3/4% interest each month thereafter. Real and personal property 2% the first month and 3/4% interest each month thereafter.
- All property owners who have outstanding real property taxes owed in their name on the date taxes become delinquent will be advertised. Having a payment plan does not exclude your tax account from being advertised. A payment plan allows you time to pay your taxes without enforcement measures being used against you.
I have been served with a sheriff's levy. Can I make payment arrangements on my delinquent bill to avoid the levy?
Once a levy has been turned over to a deputy sheriff, the delinquent taxes must be paid in full within the time frame provided by the deputy on the notice that was left at your residence.I have been served with a wage garnishment. Will the total amount of my tax bill be taken out of my paycheck at one time?
The statutory deduction for a wage garnishment is 10% of the gross wages per pay period. However, some employers choose to take the full amount at one time.I have received a notice of bank attachment. Can I still pay the taxes to avoid having my bank account attached?
Yes, payment must be made in cash, certified check, money order or credit card only. No personal checks can be accepted. Please ensure that your payment reaches the Tax Office on or before the effective date on the notice You will also need to contact our office notifying us of the payment so we can ensure that the release has been made on your bank account.- Yes, you can pay the tax bill in full to avoid the wage garnishment. You will be required to pay in cash, credit card, certified funds or money order. There is an additional processing fee for credit card payments.
- You may go to the Durham County Website and pay online using a credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover). There will be a transaction fee for all credit cards transactions. You may also pay by E-check (there is no charge for this service).
- Please contact our office at 919-560-0300
- Credit card companies charge a convenience fee to process your credit card transaction. Typically credit card processing fees are absorbed by the company with whom you do business, however due to North Carolina Statutes, Durham County does not have the authority to absorb this cost.
- Please contact our office at 919-560-0300
If you are under a garnishment and our office is currently receiving payments for your delinquent taxes, you will be required to pay the bill in full to obtain your tag. The block must remain on the registration until the bill is paid in full. You can pay by using a credit card via our website or by coming into our office and paying by certified check, cash, money order or credit card. For all credit card transactions there will be a transaction fee added to your bill.
- Once your tax bill is paid in full, you will need to contact the deputy to reclaim your vehicle.
- This is the information provided to us by DMV at the time you renewed or purchased your tag. This information is electronically placed in our tax system in which a bill is created. You will need to request a name change with DMV and they will inform us the following year of such change. Please contact our office at 919-560-0300
- If you choose to pay the tax bill and your mortgage company has an escrow account, your mortgage company will submit payment to us typically in late November. If your mortgage company pays the tax bill and you have already submitted your payment, the refund will go directly back to the mortgage company . We understand that this process often takes several months for them to refund you. We recommend if you have an escrow account that you contact your mortgage company.
- You must be approved by the North Carolina ABC Commission before we issue a Durham County beer/wine license. You can contact the NC ABC Commission or call them at 919-779-0700
A return check penalty is $25. No personal checks accepted: you must send cash or certified funds.
- Once your vehicle is taken by the Deputy Sheriff, there is a $75.00 towing fee added to your bill. The vehicle will be stored in a secure county storage area. You need need to contact the Deputy to reclaim your vehicle.
- A bank attachment is a form of collection measures allowed by the NC General Statutes. It is served on your bank for outstanding taxes due. Your bank then places a hold on your accounts for ten (10) days or until they have been notified by the tax office that the debt has been paid in full. If your bill is not paid in full before the ten (10) day period ends, the bank is required by law to remit the amount of the attachment to the tax department.
- The debt setoff is a form of enforcement in which the North Carolina Department of Revenue is notified of your debt and any refund due you will be attached to pay the bill. The state will also charge a fee of 5.00 as well as an administrative fee of 15.00.
- The letter you received is a notification that your property tax bill remains unpaid. Your bill is subject to be turned over to the Sheriff's Office and your property may be seized and sold to satisfy your tax obligation. To avoid this action you will need to pay the amount on the notice in full. You may pay by cash, certified check, money order or you may pay by credit card by going online or coming in to the tax office. For credit card transactions there will be a transaction fee added to your bill.
- Please visit our website at Payment Options.
- MOTOR VEHICLE tax bills that are not paid by the due date have interest of 5% the first month and 3/4% each month thereafter. Bills that remain unpaid are subject to the following enforcement measures, bank attachment, garnishing of wages, attachment of your state income tax refund,or levy on your personal property which can be sold to satisfy the tax bill. REAL PROPERTY tax bills that remain unpaid have interest that accrues at 2% interest the first month and 3/4% interest each month thereafter. Taxes that remain unpaid are a lien against the property and are subject to foreclosure, bank attachment, garnishing of wages, and levy of personal property to be sold to satisfy the taxes. PERSONAL PROPERTY tax bills that remain unpaid have interest that accrues at 2% interest the first month and 3/4% interest each month thereafter. Personal taxes that remain unpaid are subject to bank account attachment, garnishment of wages, attachment of your state income tax refund, or levy of your personal property which may be sold to satisfy the tax bill.
Real property and personal property taxes are due September 1 of each year; however, North Carolina law allows you until January 5th to make payment without incurring interest. This does not apply to motor vehicle taxes.
- Real property and personal property taxes are due September 1 of each year, however North Carolina law allows you until January 5th to make payment without incurring interest. This does not apply to motor vehicle taxes.
When the bank processed the bank attachment they deducted more from my account than the amount shown on the notice. What do I need to do?
Your bank charges a fee for processing an attachment. This fee is retained by your bank, and you will need to contact them for further information regarding this charge.- Information regarding our tax foreclosures is available on our website.
- Please mail the bottom portion of your tax bill and check or money order to Durham County Tax Collector, PO Box 30090, Durham, NC 27702. PLEASE DO NOT MAIL CASH.
- Once your tax account is turned over to a deputy sheriff for collection, fees are charged as allowed by the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure.
- Any debt that is past due is subject to all enforcement measures. Please refer to the instruction sheet enclosed with your debt setoff letter. The hearing officer has indicated in the instruction sheet that this letter does not keep you from having other collection enforcement measures taken against you. The purpose of the letter is to allow you 30 days to object to the refund being attached. You must have a valid reason for an objection (such as: not your tax bill or never lived in Durham.)
- By state statute, we must send the tax bill to the owner of record as of January 1 of each year. You should forward the bill to the new owner of the real property. We recommend that you visit our website at http://www.dconc.gov/county-departments/departments-f-z/tax-administration
- Once your tax account becomes delinquent, the tax collector has the authority by State Statutes to use all enforcement measures including Sheriff's Levy executions to collect delinquent tax bills.
- Once your tax account is turned over to an attorney firm for foreclosure, attorneys are authorized by State Statute to charge the fees and costs associated with the foreclosure process.
- We are required by State Statute to advertise all outstanding real property bills in the local newspaper. Taxes are advertised in the name of the person that owned the property on the date taxes became delinquent, January 6th of each year.
- Please contact our office at 919-560-0300 regarding refund inquiries.
- Once we receive the money from your refund through the debt set off program, we will apply this money to any delinquent taxes that you may have. If all delinquent taxes have been paid, a refund of the overpayment received from the State will be issued to you.
- Your real property tax account became delinquent as of January 6th. The tax collector has the authority by State Statute to use all enforcement measures including foreclosure to collect delinquent tax bills after that date.
- If you have listed Durham County Tax Collector as a creditor, your Bankruptcy plan will cover the bills prior to your filing date. If a bill come out after the filing date it is the responsibility of the taxpayer to do one of the following: 1. pay it or make payment arrangements 2. contact your attorney to have the post-petition bill included into your plan 3. call our office to check the timing on submitting an amended claim.
Business License
- A Durham County Privilege License for Beer & Wine will not be sufficient for the City of Durham if your business lies within the City Limits. You may obtain information on how to obtain a City Privilege license by calling Durham One Call 560-1200.
- Your County Privilege License must be renewed by April 30th of each year. A late fee of 5% will be added to any license renewal fee after May 2nd. The renewal fee should be printed on your license from last year. The fees are: - Beer Off Premises Fee: 5.00 - Beer On Premises Fee: 25.00 - Wine Off Premises Fee: 25.00 - Wine On Premises Fee: 25.00
- In accordance with NC General Statute 105-113.78 all license fees are non refundable.
- If you operate a business in Durham County, you may be required to obtain a privilege license. NC General Statute 160A-211 and the Durham County Privilege License Ordinance authorize the enforcement and collection of a Privilege License Tax for beer and wine. For assistance in obtaining a Privilege License, contact Durham One Call 560-1200. If you would like to apply for a Beer & Wine License, come to the Tax office. Documents required are your ABC Permit and a notarized copy of an application (which may be obtained from the Tax office) along with the application fee. - Beer Off Premises Fee: 5.00 - Beer On Premises Fee: 25.00 - Wine Off Premises Fee: 25.00 - Wine On Premises Fee: 25.00
Exemptions/ Exclusions
North Carolina offers three types of tax relief programs.
- Elderly/Disabled Exclusion
- Disabled Veteran Exclusion
- Circuit Breaker-Elderly/Disabled Deferment
Please visit the Property Tax Relief Section of our website for more information.
Applications for Property Tax Exemptions/Exclusions may be obtained by:
- Visiting the forms and publication section on our website at www.dconc.gov/tax or by clicking here.
- Contacting our office at 919-560-0300
- Visiting the Tax Office at 201 East Main Street, 3rd Floor, Durham, NC 27701.
Exemption applications should be filed during the regular listing period, which is January 1 through January 31 of each year. The deadline for submitting a tax relief application is June 1. Late applications may be considered for good cause through the last day of the calendar year in which the tax is levied. A late application received after the calendar year ends will not be accepted and cannot be considered for approval or denial for any reason or circumstance.
Once the initial application for the Elderly/Disabled Exclusion or the Disabled Veteran Exclusion has been approved, the owner does not need to file an application in subsequent years unless there is:
- a physical change to the property
- a change in the use of the property
- a change in the qualification or eligibility of the taxpayer.
However, the assessor must annually review at least one-eighth of the exempted or excluded parcels in the county to verify that those parcels continue to qualify. During this requalification process, you may be asked to verify that you still qualify for tax relief.
Participants in the Circuit Breaker Tax Deferment program are required to submit an application annually.
For qualification purposes, income is defined as all monies received from every source other than gifts or inheritances received from a spouse, lineal ancestor or lineal descendant. For married applicants residing with their spouse, the income of both spouses must be included whether or not the property is in both names.
When applying for the Elderly/Disabled Exclusion or the Circuit Breaker Deferment, you must provide a copy of the first page of your Individual Federal Income Tax Return for the previous calendar year. If you do not file a Federal Income Tax Return, you must attach documentation of income. NOTE: Social Security Number disclosure is mandatory for the approval of the Elderly or Disabled Exclusion and will be used to establish the identification of the applicant.
Religious entities are required to complete an application to receive the real property exemption.
Applications for Property Tax Exemptions may be obtained by:
- Visiting the forms and publication section on our website at www.dconc.gov/tax or by clicking here.
- Contacting our office at 919-560-0300
- Visiting the Tax Office at 201 East Main Street, 3rd Floor, Durham, NC 27701.
The application must be received during the regular listing period, which is January 1 through January 31 of each year. Late applications may be considered for good cause through the last day of the calendar year in which the tax is levied. A late application received after the calendar year ends will not be accepted and cannot be considered for approval or denial for any reason or circumstance
Religious entities are required to complete an application for the religious exemption for motor vehicles within thirty (30) days of the date taxes on the vehicle are due. Upon our review, if your church meets the statutory requirements, an exemption would be granted.
The Application for Motor Vehicle Exemption (form AV-10V) is available under the Forms and Publications section of our website or by clicking here. You may also call our office at (919) 560-0300
or visit our office at 201 E Main St. 3rd Floor, Durham NC 27701 to request an application.
Real Property designated as historic property by a local ordinance shall be taxed in each local taxing unit uniformly on the basis of fifty percent (50%) of the true value of the property. The difference between the taxes due on the basis of fifty percent (50%) of the true value of the property and the taxes that would have been payable in the absence of the classification shall be a lien on the property as deferred taxes. The deferred taxes for the preceding three fiscal years are due in payable when the property loses the benefit of this classification. Disqualifying events include a change in the ordinance designating a historic property or a change in the property that causes the historic significance to be lost or substantially impaired.
If your property has been designated a historic landmark by the Durham City Council, you will need to provide us with a copy of the ordinance as well as an application for the exemption. If your property has previously been given the exemption and you are a new owner, then you will need to complete the application for exemption.
Applications for Property Tax Exemptions may be obtained by:
- Visiting the forms and publication section on our website at www.dconc.gov/tax or by clicking here.
- Contacting our office at 919-560-0300.
- Visiting the Tax Office at 201 East Main Street, 3rd Floor, Durham, NC 27701.
Most exemptions do not require an annual application unless there is:
- a physical change to the property
- a change in the use of the property
- a change in the qualification or eligibility of the taxpayer.
However, the assessor must annually review at least one-eighth of the exempted or excluded parcels in the county to verify that those parcels continue to qualify. During this requalification process, you may be asked to verify that you still qualify for tax relief.
If you are unsure if an annual application is needed, please call our office at (919) 560-0300.
Exemption applications should be filed during the regular listing period, which is January 1 through January 31. Late applications may be considered for good cause through the last day of the calendar year in which the tax is levied. A late application received after the calendar year ends will not be accepted and cannot be considered for approval or denial for any reason or circumstance.
The deadline for submitting a tax relief is June 1. Late applications may be considered for good cause through the last day of the calendar year in which the tax is levied. A late application received after the calendar year ends will not be accepted and cannot be considered for approval or denial for any reason or circumstance.
If you have a vehicle that has been altered with special equipment to accommodate a service-connected disability and the alteration was completed at the expense of the US Government through a grant under Title 38, you may qualify for an exemption. To meet the statutory requirements for this type of exemption you must complete an Application for Motor Vehicle Tax Exemption (Form AV-10V) and provide a copy of a 38 U.S.C. 3901 letter (provided by your veteran's representative). The exemption application is available under the Forms and Publications section of our website or by clicking here.
You may also call our office at (919) 560-0300 or visit our office at 201 E Main St. 3rd Floor, Durham NC 27701 to request an application.
In compliance with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, North Carolina does offer a military exemption on individual personal property and registered motor vehicles. To determine eligibility for a registered motor vehicle, you will need to submit a copy of your Leave and Earning Statement (LES) from the month and year that is closest to the registration period. (Example-If your registration is due March 31, 2019, you will need to submit a copy of your LES from February 2019 unless you have already received your LES from March 2019). To determine eligibility for Individual Personal Property, you will need to submit a copy of your LES from January of the year prior to the bill date of the personal property. (Example- If you are billed for a boat in August 2019, you will need to submit an LES from January 2019).
If your LES indicates that your state of residence is North Carolina, you do not meet the requirements and are required to pay the taxes on your individual personal property and registered motor vehicles.
In compliance with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, all deployed military personnel are allowed ninety (90) days after the end of their deployment to pay property taxes that became due or delinquent during the term of deployment. Military personnel that pay before the end of the ninety (90) day period are not liable for any interest. To qualify, a copy of the service member's military deployment orders must be submitted to our office via the contact information below.
Email: taxpersonalproperty@dconc.gov
Mail: Durham County Tax Administration
PO Box 3397
Durham, NC 27702
Physical Location: Durham County Tax Administration
201 E Main Street, 3rd Floor
Durham NC 27701
General Questions
Capital Finance is the Debt Service Fund for Durham County. It is for funding all major capital projects undertaken by Durham County.
- Durham County Tax Administration is open from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Durham County Tax Administration will close for most major holidays. A full calendar can be found on the Durham County website at www.dconc.gov.
North Carolina General Statutes (Chapter 105) are all laws associated with taxation for the state of North Carolina. A complete listing of all statutes can be accessed online at the North Carolina General Assembly website at www.ncleg.gov/laws/GeneralStatutes.
The last day to pay your taxes on real and personal property (except for registered motor vehicles) is January 5th. Taxes paid after January 5th are delinquent and subject to interest. If January 5th falls on a weekend, the next business day would be the last day to pay before interest accrues.
A list of all tax rates within Durham County can be found under the Tax Rates section of our website at www.dconc.gov/tax.
Durham County Tax Administration is located on the third (3rd) floor of the Administration II Building in downtown Durham. The physical address is 201 E. Main St., 3rd Floor Durham, NC 27701.
The tax rates for Durham County are set by the Durham County Board of Commissioners. The tax rates for each municipality are determined by the Board of Commissioners within that municipality. The tax rates are determined during the annual budget adoption process. This process concludes in mid to late June of each year. The new tax rates become effective on July 1.
Land Records
Real Property Records are available on our website by selecting the Real Property Record Search at www.dconc.gov/tax.
Deed book and page and/or plat book and page can be found on our website by selecting the Real Property Record Search at www.dconc.gov/tax.
North Carolina Statute requires that once you have been annexed into the corporate limits of the city, taxes for the period remaining in that fiscal year are due by the taxpayer. All governmental units in North Carolina operate on a fiscal year, which is July 1 - June 30 of the following year. In addition, your property or a portion thereof now falls into two jurisdictions, those being City and County. This subjects your parcel to the individual tax rate of each jurisdiction and all the services provided by both jurisdictions. Some of the city services include water, sewer, trash collection and police protection.
If the property was owned by husband and wife, you must provide a copy of the death certificate. Once provided, the ownership will be listed in the name of the surviving spouse. If the property was not owned by both husband and wife, you will need to provide a copy of the Durham County estate file, including the will, of the deceased. The ownership will be dependent upon what is listed in the estate of the deceased.
This will not change the names as they are presented on the deed; it will only update the ownership for tax purposes. In order to update the name on the deed, please contact the Durham County Register of Deeds.
You must provide the Tax Office with a copy of the legal document showing a name change. For a marriage, please provide a copy of the marriage certificate. For a divorce, please provide a copy of the legal document showing a resumption of prior name or legal name change.
This will not change the name as it appears on the deed; it will only update the ownership for tax purposes. In order to update the name on the deed, please contact the Durham County Register of Deeds.
The most probable price in money which a property should bring in an open and competitive market, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue persuasion.
To obtain information regarding the physical characteristics of your property is available on our website by selecting the Real Property Record Search at www.dconc.gov/tax.
DEEDED ACREAGE is part of the legal description in the recorded deed. MAPPED ACREAGE (calculated acreage) is computed for each parcel by our Mapping Office from the DEED -metes and bounds- legal description, or from a recorded survey plat. This process, using Geographic Information System (GIS) computer software is highly accurate and provides a uniform method from parcel to parcel.
The Legal description can be found on our website by selecting the Real Property Record Search at www.dconc.gov/tax.
The legal description is obtained by information within the deed that is recorded in the Register of Deeds Office.
Real Property
- If our office has received information from City/County Inspections regarding the issuance of a building permit or if you have recently filed a real estate appeal, one of our staff appraisers may have visited your property.
- Measurements are taken from the outside.
- You do not have to be home when an appraiser visits your home unless there is a need to have access to the inside. If that is the case, an appointment will be made prior to the visit.
- Exterior measurements are physically conducted. If plans are available, appraisers compare them to the information they have obtained.
- It is best to have your closing attorney calculate taxes based on the sale price of the property. However this will be an estimate only, and will not be the actual tax bill amount.
There are two options: 1. File online through the Tax Help portal (recommended) 2. File a paper appeal form. You can download one by visiting Forms and Publications, then select the 2025 Real Property Appeal Form from the bottom of the Forms and Publications page. Or call (919) 560-0300
to request an appeal form to be mailed to you. Your appeal must be filed by 5:00 p.m. on the date The Board of Equalization and Review adjourns, which is June 16, 2025, or within 30 days of a Change of Value Notice. The adjournment date of the Board of Equalization & Review is published each year in the Durham Herald-Sun, as well as on the county website, http://www.dconc.gov
- Visit our online portal at Tax Help to review your property characteristics, to compare your appraised value with the actual sale prices of properties similar to yours, and to file an appeal.
- This information can be obtained by calling our customer service Call Center at 919-560-0300 and requesting to speak with our Real Property Appraisal Division.
- Land is not separately priced on condominiums. Land value is inherent in the assessed value of the unit.
- Surplus property information including current properties under or awaiting bids, bid forms, and other information can be accessed from the Durham County Engineering website - Open Space and Real Estate Division.
According to NC General Statute 105-286 each of North Carolina's 100 counties must revalue property at least once every eight years; however that cycle can be advanced by resolution of the county's governing body (County Commissioners). Durham County's most recent revaluation was effective January 1, 2025. Next reappraisal will be January 1, 2029.
- The number of bedrooms is a descriptive field that does not change value. To ensure our data is correct contact our Call Center at 919-560-0300 and request that your property data be updated. Once we have received your information, it will be forwarded to the Appraisal Division to be corrected for the new appraisal year.
- The ownership of real property is determined annually as of January 1. If you have received written communication from the TaxOffice and you are no longer the owner, please forward the correspondence to the current owner.
- We are not allowed to refund prior years. NC General Statute 105-287 states, 'An increase or decrease in appraised value made under this section is effective as of January 1 of the year in which it is made and is not retroactive'. In other words, the change can only be made effective for that year going forward.
- Mapped (or calculated) acreage is a more accurate determination of the actual acreage; therefore, we use mapped acres as one means of valuing land.
- The tax office values property based on 100% fair market value as of the effective date of the last reappraisal. When determining the assessed value of a property there are several factors considered. Among those is age of dwelling, square footage, property type, quality of construction, as well as the location of the property. Staff appraisers closely review sales of comparable properties within the same local area.
- Our square footage will be different because we use outside dimensions and fee appraisals generally measure each room individually and use a cumulative total.
- There are three (3) classifications of property that may qualify for the Present - Use Program; they are Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture. Property coming within one of the three following classes may be eligible for Present-Use if a timely and proper application is filed. 1. AGRICULTURE -Individually owned agriculture land consisting of one or more tracts, one of which consists of a least 10 acres that are in actual production and for the (3) years preceding January 1 of the year for which benefit is claimed, have produced an average gross income of at least one thousand dollars ($1000.00) 2.HORTICULTURE-Individually owned horticulture land consisting of one or more tracts, one of which consists of at least 5 acres that are in actual production and that for the three years preceding January 1st of the year in which the benefit is claimed, have produced an average gross income of at least one thousand dollars ($1000.00) 3.FORESTRY - Individually owned forestland consisting of one more tracts, one of which consists of at least 20 acres that are in actual production and are not included in a farm unit.
- Generally, for the January 1, 2025 reappraisal cycle, sales that occurred in 2023 or 2024 could be considered, provided that the sales are for properties that are comparable to yours in terms of features and location. The term "market sale" typically does not include transactions that occur between related parties, or that are the result of a foreclosure sale, short sale, or auction.
- The land must be tested by the Health Department or private soil scientist. Once we receive a copy of the perk report, we will review your value. If the value is reduced, it will be for current year forward. It is not retroactive.
- Comper is an online residential property comparison tool. It provides basic information for your property, and for similar properties in your area. Comper displays qualified sales from the present appraisal period (2023 through 2024). This period reflects sales prior to the most recent general appraisal (January 2025). Comper can generate a comparison report which can be saved and printed. Comper is used in conjunction with our Appeal Resolution Center. Both of these online tools can be accessed through our online portal, www.dconc.gov/taxhelp.
- The Board of Equalization and Review a 'special board' composed of five Durham County citizens appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to serve in their stead. The Board of E & R exists to hear taxpayer appeals with respect to the listing and appraisal of property. Each Commissioner appoints one Board member.
You can file an appeal in any tax year. To be considered for the current tax year, your appeal must be filed before the Board of Equalization and Review adjourns. The official adjournment date will be published in the Durham Herald-Sun and on the county website. For 2025 appeals, the Board's adjournment date is June 16, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
- In a non-reval year, an appraiser could visit your property for any of the following reasons; 1). Change to property triggered by the issuance of a building permit(new construction, additions, or demolition) 2). Review of property due to land modification (parcel split or recombination) 3). Verification of physical characteristics in preparation for an appeal to the Board of Equalization and Review. 4). Transfer or sale of the property.
- You may contact Durham Neighborhood Improvement Services Department at 919-560-4570.
- The tax-assessed value is based on 100% market value as of the last general reappraisal, effective January 1, 2025.
- This information can certainly be considered. Appraisals would need provide an opinion of value for a date that is reasonably close to January 1, 2025. Individual sale prices could be considered, but keep in mind that a single sale may not be reflective of the typical expected market sale price.
Real Property Reappraisal (Revaluation)
There are a few important circumstances in which a tax value would change before the next reappraisal. These include new construction or a change in zoning. When either of these occurs to an individual property, its market value is adjusted using the rates developed for the most recent reappraisal year. For example, if a house is built in 2026 on a lot that was vacant in 2025, the new house and lot will be appraised using January 1, 2025 market values.
- You can appear in person before the Board of Equalization and Review, but it is not required. If you are unable to attend on the date and time set by the Clerk to the Board, your case will still be heard. The Board will review all submitted documentation regarding your case and mail you a decision.
- Appraisal and taxation are separate issues. The county Tax Assessor determines the market value, but the county tax rate has no impact on the valuation process. Each taxing jurisdiction—the county commissioners, city council, etc.—establishes its own tax rate. The final tax bill cannot be determined until these rates are set.
Before you submit a formal appeal, and to avoid a formal hearing, we ask that all homeowners verify their property data at http://www.dconc.gov/taxhelp. If you find out-of- date or incorrect property information, submit your updates online or call us at 919-560-0300. Our call center staff can submit or correct property information on your behalf. If all information is up to date and you still want to appeal, visit http://www.dconc.gov/taxhelp and select Step 3. You can file an appeal online or with a paper form. It is important to submit your appeal well before the June 16, 2025, deadline.
Your appeal will be sent to the Board of Equalization and Review, which is expected to begin meeting in May 2025. After your appeal is heard by the Board of Equalization and Review, you will receive written notification of your property value in the mail. If you disagree with the Board’s decision, you will have 30 days to file an appeal with the NC Property Tax Commission in Raleigh. Instructions will be provided on how to appeal to the NC Property Tax Commission in the letter you receive from the Board of Equalization and Review.
Visit http://www.dconc.gov/taxhelp. Type in your REID number and click “Submit to Review & Compare.” Go to Step 1 where you can review the information we have on file and, if you notice any of the information is incorrect, request changes. You can request changes by clicking on the “Request Property Change” button and providing the updates along with your contact information. You can also call us at 919-560-0300 to have one of our staff members take your information.
Durham County Tax Administrators are committed to working with all property owners to ensure that every property is appraised at a reasonable estimate of its January 1, 2025 market value. If you believe the 2025 appraised value of your property is not a reasonable estimate of what it could sell for on January 1, you have the right to appeal the value.
If you’re considering an appeal, we recommend first visiting http://www.dconc.gov/taxhelp. Type in your REID number and click “Submit to Review & Compare.” Go to Step 1 where you can review the information we have on file for your property. To review information for similar properties you can either:
The Sales Button Tab will provide a list of Sales you’re your Market Area. Once you get to the “Compare” page, you can refine the results by clicking on the buttons across the top of the map. While we understand some taxpayers may have concerns about affordability and changes in property tax amounts, these are not grounds for an appeal.
- Exemptions have a range of eligibility requirements. To see if you qualify, visit http://www.dconc.gov. Scroll down and select “Tax Administration” and then choose “Property Tax Relief Programs” from the menu on the left. If you have any questions regarding exemptions, please call us at 919-560-0300.
- Property taxes are based on property values. Without periodic reappraisals, some property owners would pay relatively more while others would pay relatively less. Reappraisal resets property values to their current market value so that the property tax burden is equitable for all taxpayers.
- Appeal reviews could take anywhere from 30–120 days and largely depend on how many appeals are filed in a given neighborhood. If there are a large number of appeals in a particular neighborhood, then the process may take longer than in a neighborhood with fewer appeals. The Tax Administration Office will always respond to appeals as quickly as possible.
- All Durham County appraisal staff members are certified to perform property tax appraisals by the NC Department of Revenue. The Tax Administration Office staff is both well-trained and professional, with decades of combined experience. Our appraisers must pass a series of educational courses and a comprehensive examination to meet certification requirements. They also have ongoing educational and training requirements.
- Market value is the most probable price a property would bring in an open and competitive market. The Durham County Tax Administration Office does not create market value; rather, we analyze the patterns and trends of the local real estate market and use that information to estimate market values for all properties.
Reappraisal (also known as revaluation) is a process that resets the taxable value of all real property to its current market value. This includes vacant and improved land, whether residential, commercial, agricultural or industrial.
We have a professional reappraisal staff that is both trained and certified in real property tax appraisal by the NC Department of Revenue. To ensure our assessments are accurate, every recorded sale of property in Durham County is evaluated through a combination of computer-based reviews and field reviews. This ensures the characteristics of each property are accurately reflected in county tax records. As part of this review, all residential and commercial properties have been digitally photographed in high resolution to ensure that all improvements can be compared uniformly. This process also validates property addresses and locations to assist emergency responders.
The effective date for the Current reappraisal is January 1, 2025. A notice of value change will be mailed to taxpayers prior to the convening of the Board of Equalization and Review, at which point all real property will be updated to the newly assessed values. The new values will be used to calculate tax bills beginning in summer 2025 and will remain in place until the next reappraisal in 2029, with a few important exceptions, such as new construction.
- North Carolina (via General Statute 105-286) requires all counties to conduct a reappraisal at least once every eight years. Durham County’s last reappraisal was performed in 2019. The goal of reappraisal is to help ensure the county’s tax burden is distributed equitably based on current property values.
- An eight-year cycle, for a fast-growing county like Durham, creates more opportunity for inequities to grow and usually leads to much larger and unpredictable changes to property values. A shorter cycle reduces the chances of this happening and helps make property taxes more equitable, predictable, and manageable.
- Not necessarily. The annual tax bill for each property is calculated by multiplying the tax value by the tax rate, which is determined each year by each taxing jurisdiction—the county commissioners, city council, etc. Some tax bills will go up, some will go down, and some will stay about the same.
Registered Motor Vehicles
Registered vehicle means a vehicle that is registered with the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles with tags that have not expired. Registered vehicles include cars, trucks, boat trailers, utility trailers, camping trailers, and motor homes.
The taxes on licensed vehicles will be included on the NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice. Do not list licensed vehicles with an annual registration renewal unless the vehicle has an IRP registration or has a permanent/multi-year registration.
Your vehicle property taxes will be included in the NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice issued by the NC DMV. Although the full amount will need to be paid at one time, the notice will provide you with a breakdown of the property tax and the registration fees.
Your vehicle taxes are due at the same time as your vehicle registration. The due date will be printed on your NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice.
The vehicle property taxes included in your NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice cover the same twelve (12) month period as your vehicle registration.
You will not be able to renew your vehicle's registration with the NC DMV unless the entire amount of your NC Combined Vehicle Renewal and Property Tax Notice is paid.
To avoid accruing late fees and interest, your NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice will need to be paid by the due date. Since the notice is combined with your registration renewal, you will also be faced with an expired registration if it is not paid by the due date.
A late fee will be charged on registration renewals beginning the first day of the month following the expiration date. Interest will be charged on late registration and property tax beginning on the sixteenth (16th) day of the month following the due date. If your registration has expired and you are still driving the vehicle, you run the risk of receiving a citation.
08. What if I don’t pay my NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice by the due date?
A late fee will be charged on registration renewals beginning the first day of the month following the expiration date. You will need to contact the NC DMV at (919) 715-7000 for questions regarding the late fee.
Interest will be charged on late registration and property tax beginning on the sixteenth (16th) day of the month following the due date. Interest accrues at the rate of five percent (5%) for the first month of delinquency and three quarters of a percent (.75%) for each month thereafter.
Since the notice is combined with your registration renewal, you will also be faced with an expired registration if it is not paid by the due date. If your registration has expired and you are still driving the vehicle, you run the risk of receiving a citation.
The information on your NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice is based on the information that was on file with the NC DMV at the time that the notice was created. Changes can be submitted with the NC DMV (919 814 1779) prior to payment of your combined notice. If these changes affect your taxing jurisdiction, your notice will be recalculated.
When you purchased the vehicle from the dealer, the dealer collected state taxes, a road use fee, registration fees, tag and title fees. The dealer did not collect local property taxes for the vehicle.
When the new registration was ordered for the vehicle, you were issued a Limited Registration Plate (LRP). You were provided a metal license plate with a “T” sticker on it. This registration gives you two months to pay the property taxes to the NC DMV and is only temporary. Upon payment of the property taxes, the DMV will issue a regular twelve (12) month registration for your vehicle.
Release or refund requests must be made to the county in which your property taxes are paid. To apply for a prorated release or refund of property taxes paid on your vehicle from Durham County, please submit a copy of your receipt for plate turn in from the NC DMV (FS20) and proof that the vehicle was sold, totaled, stolen, registered out of state (ex. Bill of sale, Insurance document of loss showing that the Insurance company took possession, New state registration, etc.). Please provide the mailing address that you would like your refund to be mailed to when you provide the documentation. You can email, fax, mail or bring the documentation to our office. The information for each is listed below.
Email: taxpersonalproperty@dconc.gov
Mail: Durham County Tax Administration
PO Box 3397
Durham NC 27702
Physical Location: Durham County Tax Administration
201 E. Main St., 3rd Floor
Durham NC 27701A request for release or refund must be submitted to the tax office within one year of surrendering the license plate to the NC DMV.
If you are not renewing your registration in North Carolina, then you do not need to pay any portion of the NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice. If you have registered the vehicle in another state, returned your North Carolina license plate to the NC DMV and have at least one (1) month remaining on your North Carolina registration, you may be entitled to a prorated refund of property taxes.
To apply for a prorated release or refund of property taxes paid on your vehicle, please submit a copy of your receipt for plate turn in from the NC DMV (FS20) and proof that the vehicle was registered out of state. Please provide the mailing address that you would like your refund to be mailed to when you provide the documentation. You can email, fax, mail or bring the documentation to our office. The information for each is listed below.
Email: taxpersonalproperty@dconc.gov
Fax: 919-328-6181
Mail: Durham County Tax Administration
PO Box 3397
Durham NC 27702
Physical Location: Durham County Tax Administration
201 E. Main St., 3rd Floor
Durham NC 27701
If your license plate was transferred to another vehicle, you will need to contact the NC DMV at (919) 814-1779
to have them create an updated NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice for the vehicle that the license plate was transferred to.
If your license plate was returned to the NC DMV and you are not renewing your registration in North Carolina, then you do not need to pay any portion of the NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice. If you have sold the vehicle, returned your North Carolina license plate to the NC DMV and have at least one (1) month remaining on your North Carolina registration, you may be entitled to a prorated refund of property taxes.
To apply for a prorated release or refund of property taxes paid on your vehicle, please submit a copy of your receipt for plate turn in from the NC DMV (FS20) and proof that the vehicle has been sold (ex. Bill of sale). Please provide the mailing address that you would like your refund to be mailed to when you provide the documentation. You can email, fax, mail or bring the documentation to our office. The information for each is listed below.
Email: taxpersonalproperty@dconc.gov
Fax: 919-328-6181
Mail: Durham County Tax Administration
PO Box 3397
Durham NC 27702
Physical Location: Durham County Tax Administration
201 E. Main St., 3rd Floor
Durham NC 27701
If your license plate was returned to the NC DMV and you are not renewing your registration in North Carolina, then you do not need to pay any portion of the NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice.
If you still own the vehicle as of January 1 and it does not have a current registration on it, you will be required to list the vehicle as an unlicensed vehicle as part of your personal property. Listing forms are available under the Forms and Publications section on our website at www.dconc.gov/tax or by clicking here. The listing period is January 1 through January 31 of each year. If you no longer own the vehicle, returned your North Carolina license plate to the NC DMV and have at least one (1) month remaining on your North Carolina registration, you may be entitled to a prorated refund of property taxes. To apply for a prorated release or refund of property taxes paid on your vehicle, please submit a copy of your receipt for plate turn in from the NC DMV (FS20) and proof that the vehicle has been sold (ex. Bill of sale). Please provide the mailing address that you would like your refund to be mailed to when you provide the documentation. You can email, fax, mail or bring the documentation to our office. The information for each is listed below.
Email: taxpersonalproperty@dconc.gov
Fax: 919-328-6181
Mail: Durham County Tax Administration
PO Box 3397
Durham NC 27702
Physical Location: Durham County Tax Administration
201 E. Main St., 3rd Floor
Durham NC 27701
One of the requirements to receive a prorated refund of property taxes is that the license plate must be returned to the NC DMV. If you transfer your license plate to another vehicle, you are not eligible for a prorated refund. However, you should not receive a bill for the new vehicle until it is time to renew the registration.
It depends on the type of block/stop that is on your vehicle.
- Durham County Tax Block/Stop, please contact Durham County Tax Administration at (919) 560-0300.
- Toll Violation Block/Stop, please contact NC Quick Pass Customer Service at (919) 707-2700.
- Inspection Block/Stop, please contact the DMV Inspection Unit at (877) 421-0020.
- Insurance Block/Stop, please contact the NC DMV at (919) 715-7000.
Please contact our office at 919-560-0300.
If you have a vehicle that has been altered with special equipment to accommodate a service-connected disability and the alteration was completed at the expense of the US Government through a grant under Title 38, you may qualify for an exemption. To meet the statutory requirements for this type of exemption you must complete an Application for Motor Vehicle Tax Exemption (Form AV-10V) and provide a copy of a 38 U.S.C. 3901 letter (provided by your veteran's representative). The exemption application is available under the Forms and Publications section of our website at www.dconc.gov/tax. You may also call our office at (919) 560-0300 or visit our office at 201 E Main St. 3rd Floor, Durham NC 27701 to request an application.
In compliance with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, North Carolina does offer a military exemption on individual personal property and registered motor vehicles. To determine eligibility for a registered motor vehicle, you will need to submit a copy of your Leave and Earning Statement (LES) from the month and year that is closest to the registration period. (Example-If your registration is due March 31, 2019, you will need to submit a copy of your LES from February 2019 unless you have already received your LES from March 2019). To determine eligibility for Individual Personal Property, you will need to submit a copy of your LES from January of the year prior to the bill date of the personal property. (Example- If you are billed for a boat in August 2019, you will need to submit an LES from January 2019).
If your LES indicates that your state of residence is North Carolina, you do not meet the requirements and are required to pay the taxes on your individual personal property and registered motor vehicles.
21. I transferred tags from my old car to a new car. Do I have to pay the taxes on the notice that I just received for the old car?
If your license plate was transferred to another vehicle, you will need to contact the NC DMV at (919) 814-1779 to have them create an updated NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice for the vehicle that the license plate was transferred to.
22. I don’t live in Durham County. Why does my NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice state Durham County?
The information on your NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice is based on the information that was on file with the NC DMV at the time that the notice was created. Changes can be submitted with the NC DMV prior to payment of your combined notice. If these changes affect your taxing jurisdiction, your notice will be recalculated.
Motor vehicles are valued by year, make, and model in accordance with the North Carolina Vehicle Valuation Manual and are based on the retail value. For a registration expiring or an application for a new registration during the period January 1 through August 31, the value is determined January 1 of the current year. For a registration expiring or an application for a new registration during the period September 1 through December 31, the value is determined as of January 1 of the following year. For a new motor vehicle whose value cannot be determined as of January 1 of the year specified previously, the value is determined as of the date that model of motor vehicle is first offered for sale at retail in this state.
Vehicle value appeals must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the due date on your NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice. To appeal the tax value of your vehicle, please print, complete, and submit a Personal Property Appeal Form along with any supporting documentation that will assist us in the review of the appeal. Appeal forms can be found under the Forms and Publications section of our website at www.dconc.gov/tax.
Appeals can be submitted via email, fax, mail or in person.
Email: taxpersonalproperty@dconc.gov
Fax: 919-328-6181
Mail: Durham County Tax Administration
PO Box 3397
Durham NC 27702
Physical Location: Durham County Tax Administration
201 E. Main St., 3rd Floor
Durham NC 27701
Examples of supporting documentation include: a copy of the bill of sale documenting the purchase price from a local dealer, a written appraisal performed by a dealer clearly stating the appraisal reflects the retail value as of January 1, documentation of high mileage from an annual inspection, oil change or other invoice, or repair estimates for significantly damaged vehicles.
NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice will be issued to the name as it appears on a vehicle’s registration. To renew the registration, the entire notice will need to be paid at one time to the NC DMV. A copy of the NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice will not be sent to the leasing company.
In 2005, the North Carolina General Assembly ratified House Bill 1779 to create a combined motor vehicle registration renewal and property tax collection system. The legislation places the responsibility for motor vehicle property tax collection for the state's 100 counties with the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The new combined registration fee and tax collection has become North Carolina's new “Tag & Tax System”.
The “Tag & Tax System” went into effect with registration renewals that were due in September 2013.
For questions regarding registration fees, you will need to contact the NC DMV at (919) 715-7000 or visit their website at www.ncdot.gov/dmv .
30. Do I have to have my vehicle inspected before I pay the NC Combined Vehicle Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice?
A vehicle that is subject to a safety or emissions inspection must have passed an inspection no more than ninety (90) days before the plate expires.
Please contact the NC DMV at (919) 715-7000 for questions regarding inspections.
If you have questions regarding your NC Combined Registration Renewal and Property Tax Notice, please contact the NC DMV at (919) 814-1779.
If you are trying to reach a local license plate agency (LPA), The phone number for the LPA located at 1058 West Club Boulevard, Durham, NC 27707 (inside Northgate Mall) is (919) 286-4908.
Otherwise, the main phone number for the NC DMV is (919) 715-7000.
Solid Waste
You can purchase a decal by sending in a written request. Enclose your contact information, including the address of the property, along with a check or money order. The current fiscal year cost is as follows: If purchased between July 2022 through December 2022 the cost will be $165.00 and January 2023 through June 2023 the cost will be $82.50. The mailing address is Durham County Tax Office, PO Box 3397, Durham, NC 27702
- At this time this option is not available.
- At this time this option is not available.
- No commercial vehicles are allowed to dump trash at the site. Durham County Convenience Center is for the disposal of household waste only. No waste from businesses, contractors, landscapers or any form of commercial or agricultural activity is accepted.
- The decal is valid for a fiscal year, from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
- FOR COUNTY RESIDENTS (residents not living in the City Limits of Durham), Solid Waste Decals will be mailed each year in your annual tax bill.
I am not a full time resident of Durham County, but I do live here in the summer. Can I use the Convenience Center?
If you pay property taxes in Durham County that include a solid waste fee, you are permitted to use the sites by displaying your decal. If you are not a resident who owns real property in Durham County you can purchase a decal for disposal of household waste while living here in Durham.- Yes, the fee is currently $250.00. 'The Durham County Convenience Center is for the disposal of household waste only.' No waste from businesses, contractors, landscapers or any form of commercial or agricultural activity is accepted.
You will be issued 2 decals. Additional decals may be purchased at a cost of $165.00 each
You can purchase a decal for a fee of $ 165.00.
I own property in Durham County, but I do not have a house on the property. Will I receive a Solid Waste decal?
No solid waste decals are provided to residents who own vacant property. A liveable residential structure must be located on the property.- Yes, this fee includes the usage of the convenience sites and the recycling program. Therefore, every citizen who resides outside the municipal limits is required to pay the fee.
Replacement decals may be purchased for a cost of $165.00
- We provide decals to residential property owners annually for the use of the solid waste convenience centers. However, the owner of the property will need to provide the decal they receive to the tenant, or the tenant can purchase a decal based on current rates.
- No, there are no provisions for a monthly pro-rated fee. Decals will be sold on a fiscal year or a half fiscal year cost only.
- No, there are no provisions in the statutes or ordinances to allow a reduced fee to any resident.
- No, there are no provisions in the statutes or ordinances to allow a reduced fee to any resident.
- You will be required to provide documentation that you have a new vehicle or a replacement windshield.
- Please remove any prior year decal as each decal is specific to the current year. The new decal should be applied to the bottom right hand corner of your windshield (Passenger side of vehicle)
- FOR COUNTY RESIDENTS (residents not living in the City Limit of Durham), you will receive your solid waste decal with your annual county tax bill in August of each year. However, if you are a city resident who purchased a decal you will be required to purchase a new decal by September 1st.
- That is the minimum user fee projected to cover the County's cost.
- No, the City Landfill fee is a separate fee for City and County Residents. The Landfill is located at 2115 East Club Boulevard and a per ton disposal fee applies.
Storm Water Fee
The Durham County Stormwater and Erosion Control Division administers and enforces the sedimentation and erosion control sections 3.8, 12.10 and 15.5 of the Durham City/County Unified Development Ordinance and the Durham County Stormwater Ordinance. The Division also administers the County Stormwater Utility Fee.
The Erosion Control Program administers and enforces the sedimentation and erosion control sections of the Durham City-County Unified Development Ordinance. A state-delegated local program, it includes all privately funded, non-agricultural land-disturbing activities of more than 12,000 square feet in both the City of Durham and the unincorporated areas of Durham County. The Program conducts plans reviews, issues land disturbance permits, and inspects all permitted projects for compliance.
The Stormwater Program is responsible for administering the Durham County Stormwater Ordinance, which applies to all unincorporated areas of Durham County. The Program is enforcing the Neuse River, Falls Lake, and Jordan Lake nutrient management rules through development reviews including flood control, water quantity, and water quality control measures. It is also responsible for maintaining the County’s compliance with the rules through stormwater retrofit identification, illicit discharge detection and elimination, and education and outreach activities.
The Stormwater Utility Fee is charged to all properties in the unincorporated areas of Durham County with development. The fee is based on the amount of impervious surface area on a property. It is divided into residential and non-residential charges, with residential properties paying one of three flat rate tiers. Non-residential properties pay per the total amount of impervious area with no maximum charge. Revenues from the Stormwater Utility Fee fund compliance actions required by the Neuse River, Falls Lake, and Jordan Lake nutrient management strategies.
Tangible Business Personal Property
- Leasehold improvements are taxable. If you make improvements to a building that you do not own, please provide a detailed list of the improvements along with your listing. Examples of leasehold improvements are dropped ceilings, special lighting or lavatories, etc.
- Yes, your accountant can list your business property online if they are an authorized agent and have a NCDOR Form AV-59 on file for the taxpayer with Department of Revenue.
Yes, you will have to list farm equipment if you are generating income from it.
Ownership, value and situs are determined as of January 1st of each year; however, because you were in business on January 1st, you are responsible for taxes for this year. You may complete an Out of Business form from our Website and if you receive a business listing form next year, please write on it that the business was sold and what happened to the assets.
If you sold your business after January 1st, you will have to list your business and note on the form when the business was sold, to whom the business was sold and address.
- Software is taxable if it is embedded, meaning computer instructions known as microcode that resides permanently in the internal memory of a computer system and not intended to be removed, or it is purchased from a person who is unrelated to the taxpayer and it is capitalized on the books of the taxpayer in accordance with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). Software that is developed from scratch to meet the specified needs of the taxpayer whether done internally by the taxpayer or externally by a third party is excluded; all customized software is excluded.
- Instructions for preparing listing forms are attached to the form. Visit Forms and Publications to access the listing form and instructions.
- No, we do not accept faxed listing forms. You must mail the listing form in with the original signature.
- Yes, you can list your business property by selecting the option that says Online Business Listing System from our website. You can search using the account/abstract number, business name, or address. If you cannot find your account when searching, then please select the option that says start new form.
- Yes, you can request an extension for listing your business. The request must be received or US postmarked by January 31st.
- An agent of the taxpayer authorized by the taxpayer or a principal officer may sign the listing. The agent must have an Authorized Agent Form on file with the NC Department of Revenue for each taxpayer.
- Yes, you must list the supplies that you had on hand on January 1st. This would include office supplies, maintenance supplies, cleaning supplies, fuels of any kind, spare parts for equipment that are not held for resale. Supplies that are immediately consumed in the manufacturing process or that become a part of the property being sold, such as packaging materials or raw materials for a manufacturer, do not have to be listed.
- You may change your address by downloading the change of address form found at Forms and Publications or by calling our office at 919-560-0300
- Visit Forms and Publications to download a traditional or fill-in form.
- Appraisers apply the North Carolina Department of Revenue Cost and Depreciation schedules to the cost listed by you to determine the assessed value.
- You can do a tax bill search by business name to view the account number associated with current and previous tax bills; or, call our office at 919-560-0300
- You may request an extension by selecting the Online Business Listing System option on our website, by mail (PO Box 3397, Durham NC 27702-3397), fax (919) 328-6176
or email (Tax-BPP@dconc.gov) the request by the end of the listing period, January 31st
- Taxes are calculated according to the (Assessed Value x Tax Rate) in your district per one hundred dollars valuation.
- Yes, a return is required to be filed with our office each year,listing the cost of all assets associated with your business even if no new assets were purchased.
- Yes. You must list your business if you are filing your business as income for Federal and State income tax purpose and receiving depreciation on your assets against your income.
- If you listed in the wrong county and your listing was on time, you will not be penalized. However, you will have to furnish proof of filing on time in the other county.
- Visit Tax Administration - Business or contact our customer service department at (919) 560-0300
- If you were not operating your business on January 1st, you do not have to list the business for that year. However, if you are in business on January 1st of the following year, you will have to list your business with the Tax Administration Office.
- If your listing is mailed to our office, it must be received or US postmarked by April 15th; and if you submit the listing by utilizing our online application, it must be submitted by April 15th.
- You may be subject to a refund in Durham County if you did not have any assets in this County on January 1st. However, you will have to show proof that you listed your property in another county. You may send a copy of your listing in the other county.
- There is added a penalty of 10% for each listing period in which the property was not listed up to a maximim of 60%
- All businesses should list all assets used in the conduction of their business. Examples are: computers, printers, copiers, furniture & fixtures, machinery & equipment, tools, telephone and their systems, fax machines, alarms, display cabinets, racks, etc., cleaning supplies, office supplies. This list is illustrative of the type of property that should be listed, but there may be other assets that should be listed. Additional questions may be directed to the Tax Office at 919- 560-0300. All assets used in a business should be listed whether they are capitalized or expensed, with the exception of expensed computer software.
- You will have to list all appliances, such as dishwashers, stove/range refrigerators, washer/dryer, microwave oven, and household furnishing in your rental properties.
- All assets used in the conduction of a business or trade is Business Personal Property and should be listed with the County.
- CIP is an asset that is being constructed but has not been completed. It can be real or personal property; however, only list personal property associated with your business.
- The assessed value of your business personal property is the fair market value derived from the cost, depreciated according to the type of property.
- The listing forms are generally mailed the last week of December. If you do not receive your listing forms by the middle of January, call this office at 919-560-0300.
- Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 105-317.1 you may appeal your business personal property value within 30 days of the bill date. Your appeal must be made to Durham County Tax Administration . Appeal forms can be downloaded at Forms and Publications.
- The listing deadline for filing business personal property is January 31st, unless you have requested and been granted an extension. The filing deadline is extended until April 15th with an approved extension request.
Tangible Personal Property
The listing period is January 1 - January 31 of each year.
To avoid any late list penalties, the real and personal property listing form is due by January 31 of each year. Listings submitted by mail shall be deemed filed as of the date shown on the postmark affixed by Postal Service. If no date is shown on the postmark, or if the postmark is not affixed by the United States Postal Service, the abstract is considered filed when received in the office of the assessor.
Individual personal property that would need to be listed would include all manufactured homes, boats and boat motors, jet skis, aircraft, unlicensed vehicles, permanent/multi-year tag vehicles, and International Registration Plan (IRP) vehicles owned by you on January 1st. Please list these assets on a Real and Personal Property Listing Form.
Business Personal Property that would need to be listed would include furniture, fixtures, computers, machinery & equipment, supplies, leasehold improvements, construction in progress (CIP), appliances in rental property, and farm equipment used for a trade or business as of January 1st. Please list these assets on a Business Personal Property Listing Form.
Taxpayers who have listed personal property the previous year should expect to receive a preprinted listing form by the end of December or first week in January. If you do not receive a form and have property that requires listing, it is your responsibility to obtain and complete a Real and Personal Property Listing Form.
Listing forms that are not returned within the regular listing period are subject to a late list penalty.
The late list penalty is 10% for each listing period that has passed before the property was listed or discovered.
Real and Personal Property Listing forms can be mailed to the office or hand delivered into the office. Our mailing address is Durham County Tax Administration PO Box 3397 Durham NC 27702 and our physical location is Durham County Tax Administration 201 E Main St 3rd Floor Durham NC 27701.
Manufactured homes are required to be listed each year as personal property if they do not qualify as real property. To qualify as real property, the manufactured home must:
- Have the moving hitch, wheels and axles removed
- Be placed on a permanent foundation
- Have the same owner as the real property in which the manufactured home is located
North Carolina offers tax relief for the elderly on their permanent residence. This includes the dwelling, the dwelling site, not to exceed one acre, and related improvements. The dwelling may be a single-family residence, a unite in a multi-family residential complex, or a manufactured home.
If you were the legal owner of the personal property as of January 1, you are responsible for the taxes for that year. Personal property tax bills cannot be prorated. Please be sure to make the necessary changes on your listing form for the following year.
The tax bill that is issued in August will serve as your assessment notice. You have 30 days from the bill date to appeal the personal property value, situs, or taxability.